Monday, February 27, 2012

Phase velocity

The appearance acceleration of a beachcomber is the amount at which the appearance of the beachcomber propagates in space. This is the acceleration at which the appearance of any one abundance basic of the beachcomber travels. For such a component, any accustomed appearance of the beachcomber (for example, the crest) will arise to biking at the appearance velocity. The appearance acceleration is accustomed in agreement of the amicableness λ (lambda) and aeon T as

v_\mathrm{p} = \frac{\lambda}{T}.

Or, equivalently, in agreement of the wave's angular abundance ω, which specifies the amount of oscillations per assemblage of time, and wavenumber k, which specifies the amount of oscillations per assemblage of space, by


To accept area it comes from, brainstorm a basal sine wave, A cos (kx−ωt). Given time t, the antecedent produces ωt oscillations. At the aforementioned time, the antecedent beachcomber foreground propagates abroad from the antecedent through the amplitude to the ambit x to fit the aforementioned bulk of oscillations, kx = ωt. So that the advancement acceleration v is v = x/t = ω/k. The beachcomber propagates faster if college abundance oscillations are broadcast beneath densely in space.1 Formally, Φ = kx−ωt is the phase. Since ω = −dΦ/dt and k = +dΦ/dx, the beachcomber acceleration is v = dx/dt = ω/k.

Relation to group velocity, refractive index and transmission speed

Since authentic sine beachcomber cannot back any information, some change in amplitude or frequency, accepted as modulation, is required. By accumulation two sines with hardly altered frequencies and wavelengths,

\cos(k-\Delta k)x-(\omega-\Delta\omega)t\; +\; \cos(k+\Delta k)x-(\omega+\Delta\omega)t = 2\; \cos(\Delta kx-\Delta\omega t)\; \cos(kx-\omega t),

the amplitude becomes a sinusoid with appearance acceleration of vg = Δω/Δk. It is this accentuation that represents the arresting content. Since anniversary amplitude envelope contains a accumulation of centralized waves, this acceleration is usually alleged the accumulation velocity.1 In reality, the vp = ω/k and vg = dω/dk ratios are bent by the media. The affiliation amid appearance speed, vp, and acceleration of light, c, is accepted as refractive index, n = c/vp = ck/ω. Taking the acquired of ω = ck/n, we get the accumulation speed,

\frac{\text{d}\omega}{\text{d}k} = \frac{c}{n} - \frac{ck}{n^2}\cdot\frac{\text{d}n}{\text{d}k}.

Noting that c/n = vp, this shows that accumulation acceleration is according to appearance acceleration alone if the refractive basis is a constant: dn/dk = 0.1 Otherwise, if the appearance acceleration varies with frequency, velocities alter and the average is alleged dispersive. The appearance acceleration of electromagnetic radiation may – beneath assertive affairs (for archetype aberrant dispersion) – beat the acceleration of ablaze in a vacuum, but this does not announce any superluminal advice or activity transfer. It was apparently declared by physicists such as Arnold Sommerfeld and Léon Brillouin. See burning for a abounding altercation of beachcomber velocities.

Matter wave phase

Noting that c/n = vp, this shows that accumulation acceleration is according to appearance acceleration alone if the refractive basis is a constant: dn/dk = 0.1 Otherwise, if the appearance acceleration varies with frequency, velocities alter and the average is alleged dispersive. The appearance acceleration of electromagnetic radiation may – beneath assertive affairs (for archetype aberrant dispersion) – beat the acceleration of ablaze in a vacuum, but this does not announce any superluminal advice or activity transfer. It was apparently declared by physicists such as Arnold Sommerfeld and Léon Brillouin. See burning for a abounding altercation of beachcomber velocities.In breakthrough mechanics, particles aswell behave as after-effects with circuitous phases. By the de Broglie hypothesis, we see that


where E is the absolute activity of the atom (i.e. blow activity additional active activity in kinematic sense), p the momentum, γ the Lorentz factor, c the acceleration of light, and β the acceleration as a atom of c. The capricious v can either be taken to be the acceleration of the atom or the accumulation acceleration of the agnate amount wave. Since the atom acceleration v < c for any atom that has accumulation (according to appropriate relativity), the appearance acceleration of amount after-effects consistently exceeds c, i.e.

v_\mathrm{p} > c, \,

and as we can see, it approaches c if the atom acceleration is in the relativistic range. The superluminal appearance acceleration does not breach appropriate relativity, as it carries no information. See the commodity on arresting acceleration for details.